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Last updated
Sept 15, 1999
Election Results
Save Your PFD
Sept 14, 1999
Who is paying
for YES vote
Table Of Contents
The following letters to the editor has appeared in Alaskan Papers

Please feel free to submit others here for posting

PFD vote muddles question
On Sept. 14 there will be a special election to determine if Alaskans
support using Permanent Fund earnings to pay for state services.
Although the ballot will ask only one question, it actually poses two -
and invites even more options. The first question regards use of
Permanent Fund earnings and the second question regards
endorsement of the Balanced Budget Plan. Consequently, there are at
least four positions a voter may have.
1. Yes to spending Permanent Fund earnings and the Balanced Budget
2. Yes to spending Permanent Fund earnings but no to the Balanced
Budget Plan.
3. No to spending Permanent Fund earnings but yes to the Balanced
Budget Plan.
4. No to spending Permanent Fund earnings and no to the Balanced
Budget Plan.
Voters who favor position No. 2 or No. 3 will either cast a vote they
partially disagree with or reject the whole thing by voting "no." A "no"
vote amounts to telling the legislators to go back to the drawing
boards; another position for voters to consider. The "yes" votes will be
muddled. A "yes" voter may be giving primary importance to spending
Permanent Fund earnings, but may not support the Balanced Budget
Plan. Ironically, the Legislature will probably interpret this vote as
support for the Balanced Budget Plan.
This whole thing is a mess. Any accurate interpretation of the results
will be presumptuous. It befuddles me how the Legislature could come
up with a yes/no question that has several answers.
- George Matz

Leave dividend alone
The tree has borne so much fruit it has weakened and threatened its
own survival. "Shortfall" really means government overspending. What
government needs is to live within the funds it already has, not spend
more! We should concentrate on government efficiency. How to
maintain the services needed at a reduced cost. Contracting to private
businesses. What savings could be realized by the citizens who pay the
bill by contracting to one who is already trained and does the work as
a specialist? Bonding ensures the taxpayer gets his money's worth.
Government employees do not give us that efficiency.
We have a very serious problem when we as Alaskans are paying in
excess of $10,000 per man, woman and child for government and its
services while other states spend around $3,000 per person. With that
in mind, how can government justify any increases in funding? What is
needed is better management in government spending!
How can lowering the standard of living of all Alaskans by taking away
the Permanent Fund dividend improve the betterment of its people? It
cannot! What it will do is hurt the least able among us, the children, the
elderly, disabled and the person who's trying to raise a family. Why not
let the people have this dividend to spend as they choose? This will
help the economy of Alaska instead of requiring the less fortunate to
look for more public assistance, which would in turn cost more.
Administrating, maintaining enforcement of a greater public assistance
program should not be our goal.
The time has come to say enough! It is time to change attitudes and
manage our government to benefit all Alaskans, the people who pay
the bill!
- Ed Martin Sr.
Clam Gulch

'Feed the Permanent Fund'
It would seem that with all the money the state has in its many pockets
that they would offer to put some in to the Permanent Fund, and I am
sure that I wouldn't have any problem voting yes.
As it stands, the people are to be stuck holding the stick while people
who are supposed to have everyone's health, welfare, prosperity and
happiness at heart are making sure theirs are being fulfilled. What
happens to the about $4 billion spent out of state coffers now every
year that we're not privy to?
There are several pots of money that we, the public, don't hear about
and a true state of the state is not being given. What is truly being done
with the money they use now? What do we the people see for the
money they spend now? Why do they insist on playing us? When will
the politics end and true accomplishments be made?
Feed the Permanent Fund if it is to be used by the state and be sure it
is guaranteed a percent of the profits from the businesses that the state
- Clarence McConkey
Copper Center

Politicians will get their way
Brian Porter may have been a good cop (though I know a few who
would debate that) but he does not even come close to being an
acceptable politician. His comment in the Sunday, Aug. 8, Daily News
that if we don't vote yes on the Permanent Fund initiative there won't
be any PFD for the children is pure, unadulterated, cow pasture
blarney. Scare tactics at its best. Bullying works good for cops - guess
he figures it will work good for politics.
No matter how we vote, it is only advisory and the politicians are
going to do what they want anyway. That's what the people of Alaska
fail to realize. Look what the politicians did with the medical marijuana
vote - changed it because we are ignorant souls wandering in the
wilderness. They are going to do exactly the same on the PFD vote.
We will vote overwhelmingly "no, don't use it" and the politicians will
come back and say, "Oh, you poor ignorant serfs, you really don't
understand the problem and we the robber barons are going to do it
this way anyway."
Voter, beware!
-Phil Weber
Cooper Landing

Income tax the fairest way
It would be better for us Alaskans to pay for state government by
having a state income tax rather than using our Alaska Permanent Fund
dividend or a sales tax. The reasons are simple and clear. Only a state
income tax could get the corporations (both local but especially
international) to help with the cost of state government. Corporations
don't get the PFD so they would not be touched by the loss of our
PFD. In fact, they would probably be happy that we are paying for the
cost of state government and not them. Corporations use state
services, make a profit in our state and should be expected to pay right
along with the rest of us. Beware that it is the corporations that have
the money to hire expensive lobbyists to influence our state
I have been wondering how it is that the oil refinery Williams Co.
(formally Mapco) has gotten by with charging people in the Interior
about 15 cents more a gallon than those in Anchorage when the oil is
refined right here in North Pole. It seems to me that this overgrown
monopoly needs some serious regulation. I hope there are some
politicians out there who aren't bought off and will do what is right.
A sales tax would also leave the corporations virtually untouched.
Using a state income tax would be the fairest way to pay for the state's
bills. It could be set up so everyone would pay according to his or her
income, while leaving those making under $20,000 or so exempt.
Also, consider using more of a fee per usage for things like state parks
and such. This way, those who use the services would pay for them
and those who do not use them would not.
Please vote no to using the PFD in September.
- Charles Underwood

Yes' is vote for incompetence
Alaska voters, wake up! A vote for using the Permanent Fund
dividend to fund the Alaska state government is a vote for bigger
government and a vote for the incompetent, incumbent legislators
whom we thought we elected to serve us, the public! Do not be
surprised if the vote "no" exceeds the vote "yes" by a large percentage
margin (the Associated Press poll says 62 percent of Alaskans are
opposed) but the Legislature decides to use the PFD anyway. If that
happens, it should send a clear message to the voters that the
government of Alaska is not of, by and for the people (as the U.S.
Constitution provides) but of, by and for the fat cats!
These are also the same people who support the British
Petroleum-Atlantic Richfield oil merger and who cannot see (or hear)
the incredible potential downsides to the Alaska people of that merger.
Once merged, if BP-ARCO decide the development schedule of
Alaska oil and natural gas resources is not advantageous to their profit
margin, who in Alaska government has the horsepower to demand
otherwise? That development schedule is absolutely vital to Alaska
and Alaskans and the PFD.
It seems by their actions (or lack thereof) that most of our state
politicians are "owned" by the various natural resources industries in
the state, and they are not about to make any waves as long as they
get their fair share. Only we, the voters, can elect people who will
represent the will of the public, so if you do not vote or if you vote for
an incumbent, do not complain about your situation; you have earned
- Richard Hahn

Dividend unique to Alaska
I am discouraged by the caliber of the debate between the save/raid
the Permanent Fund dividend campaigns. The raiders, who are clearly
better financed and more polished, have successfully twisted the
question to a perceived choice between educated, responsible
citizenship and ignorant selfishness. I do not believe this is an accurate
representation of the facts.
I believe that all good citizens should vote to preserve the dividend.
Our dividend program is unique throughout the world. It is a
home-grown Alaska experiment, deeply rooted in our individualist and
populist traditions. The Permanent Fund dividend has symbolized fair
benefit distribution in our huge and diverse state. It has simultaneously
helped subsistence villagers preserve their way of life, made your
down payment on your first house possible and enabled me to go
away to college. The Permanent Fund's distribution scheme has
brought Alaskans from all walks of life and all backgrounds to a unique
Alaska consensus on good government.
Furthermore, the dividend program is part of our state's original
economic policies that have proved themselves friendlier to the middle
class than any other state. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that
Alaska is one of only two states whose middle class grew
proportionately throughout the past 20 years, furthermore our average
salaries are higher than anywhere else in the country.
In reference to the dividend program Jay Hammond once said, "The
only way to fight public greed is with private greed." I think the
legislators and lobbyists of our state will find themselves sorely
mistaken if they think the Alaska people will sell out their own great
legislative success story - no matter how twisted the ballot question is
- David E. York
Anchorage resident and George Washington University student

Don't buy this stupid ploy
I hope Alaskans are really different! If our illustrious President Clinton
came to me and said, "Look, Terry, we've made lots and lots of really
stupid mistakes in managing your taxes and we need a lot more money
from you, will you give it to us? We're going to do better next time,"
would I give it to them (him)? Yeah, right! Not on your life!
Across our nation people are being sold a horrible bill of goods by a
smartly packaged pitch from the various governments, and they buy it
like a bunch of single-digit-IQ sheep! And their families are less
well-off for their stupidity.
I hope here in Alaska this infectious stupidity won't fly. Our state
Legislature keeps voting increased perks, per diem and other
self-serving benefits at our expense and then says, "We need more
money and we don't dare ask for more from the wonderfully profitable
oil companies, so we've gotta get some of your family's Permanent
Fund, how about it?"
Are you really slow enough to buy this line? A bunch of legislators in
Juneau are betting you are that slow. This proposal is an insult to our
My 10-year-old gifted son's PFD college account is now pushing
$17,000 and growing rapidly. Would our Legislature spend his money
more wisely than my wife and I have? Hardly!
We've got breathing time to address this deficit problem. Almost four
years' worth. Don't vote for a chunk of your fund dollars to go to
Juneau! If the fund is left alone, we'll see it $4,000 per citizen by year
2002. Don't buy this insultingly stupid ploy!
- Terry Luther

Your vote is your voice
Boycott the September Permanent Fund election to send a message to
BP? (Burgoyne letter, Aug.5) No way!
The message of a yes victory will be "We Alaskans want to give you
tax relief while we pay your share of the deficit from our Permanent
Fund checks, leave big bills unpaid, our kids' teeth crooked and scrap
plans to save for college." BP will laugh all the way to the bank.
The million-dollar special election is raw power politics, pure and
simple, corporate war declared on your family. The Vote Yes
Committee avoids serious debate over higher oil taxes or income tax
on nonresidents with a yes vote on a ballot proposition so incoherent
that it has designed an $800,000 campaign to "explain" it.
Who is paying for this power play? What is Big Oil's contribution,
direct or indirect, to the "Vote Yes Committee"? Campaign
contributions will not be disclosed until Aug. 16, one day after the
deadline for voter registration (Aug. 15).
Why did the Legislature explicitly exclude its mishmash of loopholes
and double-talk from the mandated process for making a ballot
proposition readable? Ex-governors who as private citizens used
government subsidies to get rich and the nonresident governor who
redlined consumer protection dishonored themselves by endorsing this
corporate raid on Alaska wallets before alternative sources are
targeted and tapped.
Register and vote.
- Stephen Conn, executive director
Alaska Public Interest Research Group

Tax more fair than tapping fund
After listening to what Rep. Gail Phillips said recently at the Homer
Senior Citizens Center about the Permanent Fund, I urge a "no" vote
on Sept. 14. Leave it alone. When ex-Gov. Jay Hammond and others
started this program it was one of the best things any state government
could do. If this Legislature, or any other one, starts dipping into the
fund for salary increases, etc., it will be a constant source of temptation
for them. It is not fair to deprive lower income families of their share of
oil income while some of Alaska's fat cats give up very little.
If the state needs more revenue, then it should do as most other states
do and pass an income tax. That way all will pay based on their ability
to pay, including out-of-state workers.
Leave the Permanent Fund alone. Vote no.
- Joe Lawlor

Don't give politicians a blank check
A recent letter writer urged a yes vote on the proposal for the
government to spend Permanent Fund earnings that are currently being
used to pay dividends and protect the value of the fund from inflation.
Using some of the same poll-tested appeals to the public's worst fears
that are being employed by the special interests advocating a yes vote
on Sept. 14, she predicted dire consequences if Alaskans reject this
plan to tap your Permanent Fund dividend. The writer predicted a no
vote would result in income and sales taxes, loss of your dividend,
drastic school cuts and suffering for children. It would be no less
deceitful to also include plague and pestilence as consequences of a no
vote. Despite these scare tactics, the only guaranteed result of rejecting
this flawed and poorly conceived proposal is that those who want to
use your dividend will be forced to come forward with a better plan,
perhaps the next time with meaningful involvement by the public.
The politicians favoring a yes vote want you to give them a vaguely
worded blanket permission slip, as well as a blank check drawn on the
account that pays your family's annual dividends. In return they offer
you promises that they don't have the constitutional authority to keep.
At the very least, any plan that proposes to use your dividend should
be clearly defined, and the terms enforced by a voter-approved
constitutional amendment.
There is considerable difference of opinion as to how we should pay
for state government, even among the diverse collection of Alaskans
who oppose the plan to take a portion of your dividend. One common
agreement, though, is that spending your dividend and eroding the
value of the Permanent Fund should not be the first and only option
presented to Alaskans.
- Bill Stoltze

Bring back 'pioneering spirit'
I watch as the state pioneers its way into a great monster, wiping out
private enterprise to do it. Now they want more money to keep
I say, give the government back to the people by putting private
enterprise back to work and cutting the size of state government
To mention a few: Eliminate all state surveyors and their new trucks
and contract out needed work. Eliminate all specialty equipment and
contract it out. Eliminate all printing press equipment and contract it
out. It would create hundreds of new jobs for ex-state employees.
How this list could go on!
Alaska people would have pioneering spirit again by watching small,
private enterprise growing again.
- Alex Kime
Cooper Landing

Vote to empty the deep pockets
I remember when I first came to Alaska in the late 1960s. We had lots
of narrow roads, many not even paved. But they went through and to
such great country that few people seemed to mind. In addition, lots of
Alaska drivers back then had old, beat-up vehicles that often wouldn't
do more than 50 or 60 mph, even when the accelerator was pushed
down all the way. Somehow we all got around even if it took a little
longer. Maybe we prevented a few coronaries by being less stressed
for speed.
The legislative majority and their sugar daddies in big Outside industry
want us to believe that we have only two choices: cut our dividends or
do nothing. In reality, the only people talking about a "do-nothing"
approach are the Vote Yes campaigners. In fact, the people of Alaska
have suggested hundreds of creative solutions to our budget problem.
If your bills exceed your income, what makes more sense: dipping into
your savings account or increasing your income? If we charged the oil
industry the same tax rate they pay everywhere else in the world we
would have a $2 billion budget surplus and our dividends would be
almost $6,000 each. They know this and they don't want us to know
Don't believe the lie that they will abandon us and our valuable
resources if asked to pay their fair share. Recent studies published in
the Daily News show that they will keep drilling even if they only break
even. Currently they pay less than 3 percent while working people pay
25 percent to 30 percent of their paychecks.
Let's use basic common sense economics: go for the deep pockets!
Vote no in September.
- Andrew Thomson

Porter failing his constituents
I just read in the paper that the cuts made by our astute Legislature
gutted food safety programs, putting consumers' health at risk for the
sake of a dollar. The speaker of the House, Brian Porter, conveniently
couldn't remember how this happened. In fact, Mr. Porter said he
could not recall "specifics." If he did not know the specifics of what he
was voting on, then it is time District 20 replaced this man, as a tree
stump would have more knowledge.
This is the same representative who introduced the bill protecting
insurance companies by limiting the amount of recovery the consumer
could receive in liability suits. This representative didn't give any
consideration to the well-being of the consumer in that the limitations
may not compensate for the consumer's actual loss. Mr. Porter didn't
limit insurance companies on the charges to the consumer. As an
article stated, this limitation for recovery costs did not lower the costs
of the insurance premiums that the consumer pays. In fact, insurance
companies raised the cost to the consumer, with less coverage.
This representative is all for big business with no thought to his
constituents. Vote this man out and bring in a person who is for the
consumer. Mr. Porter obviously is not.
- C.J. Gray

Vote to protect fund
It is being said that the Sept. 14 election will be the most important in
state history. Our elected officials are saying they need more money.
This is a familiar statement (shortfall), and we have all heard it. They
present their views with elaborate graphs and charts (all assumptions),
and they point to a "mountain" of projected money that they say is
necessary. This mountain ranges up to $50 billion plus in so many
years. Is that the goal Alaskans should have? Isn't it better not to lower
the standard of living of all Alaskans by taking away our Permanent
Fund dividend money? Alaskans could use it to better themselves and
their families.
It's wrong to take away their dividends to build this mountain of money
for politicians to distribute to and for themselves and their special
interests. To further burden the least able among us - children, the
elderly and families - is wrong (that's the shortfall), taking opportunity
away from those who need it. Vote no on Sept. 14. It's very important
for you and Alaska. Inflation-proof our families. Leave the Permanent
Fund alone!
- Ed Martin Sr.
Clam Gulch

Cut bloated government
The Legislature has not downsized nor reprioritized the size and scope
of our status-quo, bloated government. At best, so far we have seen
surface artistry and mere sophistry plus addition of a new state
Department of Community and Economic Development with an
$83,844 commissioner, eligible for pay increases with experience.
Experience probably translates into figuring out how to bloat the state
agency. Another high-priced, on-the-job trainee. All state
commissioners start out at $83,844 per year.
Hopefully, the voting public will mandate the Legislature to commence
radical surgery on the bloated government when they return to Juneau
in the fall. If not, the year 2000 general election will be the Y2K crash
for the ones who refuse to downsize and reprioritize the size and scope
of our status-quo, bloated government.
It appears that the glittering generality, fiscal responsibility is really fiscal
responsibility as we see it on the part of the legislative establishment in
Juneau. Most of them are not representing the majority of voting public
and probably have not during their tenure.
For now we would like to see everyone with homemade bumper
stickers, statewide, reading, "Vote no to save your dividend." It will be
important for everyone to vote no to save your dividend on Tuesday,
Sept. 14.
- Bill and Samon Arnold

Lawmakers torture reason
Alaska is in a convoluted state of affairs over this current budget crisis.
On the one hand we have Republicans acting like Democrats by
proposing a greater financial burden on the people of this state by
refusing to cut spending on wasteful and unnecessary social programs
which keep the poor in the prison of poverty by teaching societal
reliance as opposed to self-reliance. Then we have the Democrats
doing their best Republican impersonation by taking (yes, it's taking
when someone has something guaranteed by law and you take it)
money out of the hands of the working poor, the disabled, the elderly
and, my goodness, even children.
It's got to be refreshing to see the way our legislative and executive
branches of government can put aside their petty differences to come
to a common ideal of defending international oil companies like BP,
Outside businesses and workers, the very wealthy and those very
important people (like themselves) who depend on those general fund
dollars to keep them in their brand-new SUVs and big houses on the
Hillside. Yes, our Legislature defends these poor defenseless victims
against the tyranny of the people who entrusted the state to their care.
Campaign promises? Their political futures? Native Alaskans who
depend on the dividend to help them through the winter? You and me?
They have higher ideals to answer to (campaign contributors, state
employee unions, etc.) instead of voters and decency.
-Josh Shaver

How Long will the PFD Last?
In 1970 the state of Alaska received $900 million in oil-lease bonuses
from the North Slope. That amount of money if invested at the most
nominal rate of 6 percent would have produced $54 million the first
year. Our legislators had $1 million per week that they never had
And did they have a field day! Not only did they spend the extra $1
million a week, but they went merrily on their way and spent the whole
$900 million and reduced it to zero in less than five years. I defy them
to tell us what was achieved with this scandalous waste of the public
wealth, besides doubling the state payroll.
Now my question is this: How long do you think our Permanent Fund
will last, given such a poor record of mismanagement? I would far
sooner pay a state income tax. Vote no! no! and again no! on the
- Alec Taylor

Curb the greed, keep the PFD
In his January State of the State and Budget address, Gov. Knowles
proposed the long-term balanced budget plan. Think about it: If
Alaskans approve the balanced budget plan, it will convene on January
2000. The Permanent Fund principal will not be touched and will
continue to be inflation-proofed to protect its value for the current and
future Alaskans. It means that Permanent Fund dividends will be at
least $1,700 this year and next, then it will go to about $1,340 and
continue to grow. If we snub the plan, you can say goodbye to a good
thing and hello to taxes!
Look at it this way. It is better to have a piece of the pie than none of
it! We should be thankful for what we have and forget about greed!
After all, you are an Alaskan, right?
For more info go to http://www.gov.state.ak.us/balancethebudget.html
and read about it.
- Ted Beard
Eagle River

Leave our rainy-day fund alone
As a lifelong member of the Great Alaskan Unwashed - students,
homeless, single parents, villagers, minimum wage workers, etc. - I feel
compelled to respond to all the oil-drenched politicians in Juneau and
their rhetoric in trying to persuade us to vote yes on the September
Permanent Fund dividend rip-off. I also feel compelled to offer a few
possible solutions to the bloated fiscal anomaly of the alleged state
budget shortfall as follows:
1. It's the spending, stupid. Perhaps a short, 10-year sabbatical on
bike trails, office refurbishment, foreclosed airplane hangars, ad
2. Get the oil monopoly, please refer to the last ARCO report and its
record profits.
3. A possible Permanent Fund loan with a modest interest rate and
proper collateral, e.g., hangars, office buildings, etc. (similar to the feds
and their billions of T bonds as their solution to fiscal irresponsibility).
4. A simple check-off box on the Permanent Fund application form
where concerned Alaskans could donate their PFDs to the shortfall. I
am certain that all the fat-cat legislators, past and present governors,
and their respective spouses and children, in all their benevolence,
would serve present and future shortfalls (Lord knows they can afford
5. Spend your own rainy day fund and leave ours alone.
6. A possible modest Alaska state income or sales tax, as a last and
final case scenario.
My fellow Unwashed, Alaskan slaves, please ignore the forthcoming
media frenzy. Register and vote no on the state's latest attempt to tax
the people's share of the rent on the use of our land and resources by
the oil monopoly. Your vote matters this time.
A final solution: Send that budget-balancing, bullet-biting Mayor Rick
Mystrom of Anchorage to Juneau as governor.
- Gene McBride, retired single parent

Government hides taxes well
Soon the registered voters of this state will be given the opportunity to
collectively respond to a question posed by our representatives from
Juneau. By asking one question, they will receive two answers. If we
say "no" to the taking of Permanent Fund earnings, we then, by default,
recommend a more direct approach to supplying money to state
government - a direct tax.
But taxes have many names. Whether our government chooses to call
them taxes, fees, permits, registrations or licenses, they are all taxes -
and we are all paying them. Whether hidden in the price of gasoline or
alcohol, or in doing activities that are required to comply with certain
laws, we are paying the price of government.
Alaska has the reputation as the sole state in the union that functions
without a direct sales tax and income tax. This reputation seems to
have led certain individuals to believe that we are not supplying our
government with sufficient funds necessary to function properly. As
one Seattle-based economist recently stated, by voting "no," we are
destined to become a "nasty" place to live.
But all this is political maneuvering, attempting to avoid the debate of
what are the good and necessary functions of state government. By
this I mean the essential and specific activities our state government is
constitutionally authorized to participate in, excluding those that remain
in the hands of the people. If we sufficiently define and limit our
government to those activities, we may avoid the question of additional
taxes entirely.
- Dennis Olson

Weigh facts before voting
Would Gail Phillips' plan to balance the budget by tampering with the
Permanent Fund dividend program work? Only God knows; any other
source would be speculation at best. Let us not speculate on that
which may or may not be. Let us instead deal with facts.
1. The Permanent Fund has proved to be a successful and equitable
means of growth and disbursement. It works well. Don't tamper with
2. Though the budget shortfall was not a campaign issue, it has
become a very subtle method of seduction, a key that will open the
door to the Permanent Fund (if we permit it).
3. We will have on Sept. 14 a special election regarding this issue. It's
going to cost us $100,000, simply because our legislators do not
understand the meaning of the word "no."
4. At the last election, only 15 percent of the populace cared enough
to go out and vote. Even worse, many do not care enough to even
register to vote.
5. Those who derive their income from state, borough and city funds
will be out in force voting yes in an effort to sustain their bureaucratic
lifestyle. (They don't need the PFD check.)
6. Unless you register to vote by Aug. 13, you will not be able to vote
no to save your dividend check.
7. There are three kinds of people in the world: those who make it
happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what
happened. Which one will you be?
- Jerry B. Scholes

Trust is heart of issue
The governors of Alaska were unanimous against moving the capital,
but today the governors of Alaska appear divided on what to do on
the Permanent Fund raid. I trust Gov. Hammond; he had two
well-established terms and is against it. Gov. Miller, a nice, real
down-home Alaska gentleman, so far has no participation. But Gov.
Hickel is showing his age to team with Sheffield, who was almost
kicked out of the governor's chair, and Steve Cowper, who could
barely finish one term of office. Gov. Hickel agrees that there is lots of
waste, and he should know; he was there twice. Yet they insist on
breaking into the Permanent Fund.
To me as an individual, if the capital were not so sequestered in Juneau
and people had participation, it would be the thing to do. But while the
Legislature is in Juneau, it will add more to the waste problems.
Alaska has some big-time problems that need solutions, but first we
have to cut the fat. And after you trim down the waste, maybe the
people will regain trust and get down to real business. The word is
trust, very easy and simple.
- Manuel Norat

Make oil industry pay
The oil industry has averaged more than $5 billion in net profits each
year for the past 20 years (in 1998 dollars). Our leaders in Juneau tell
us they need $1 billion to meet the budget. Why shouldn't we see if oil
companies can get by on just $4 billion a year instead of picking
Permanent Fund dividends from people's pockets?
A yes vote on the Permanent Fund raid will have the effect of
subsidizing BP, the second largest corporation in the world if it takes
over Arco. BP could gain near-complete control of our oil leases and
the transportation of our oil and could free itself from taxes on
skyrocketing profits. Costs of getting oil are half what they were a few
years ago, yet Alaska gets the same old royalty rate without sharing in
the excess profits.
The Permanent Fund vote and BP takeover of Arco are bound
together. At stake is whether Alaska controls its oil resources or BP
controls Alaska. If Alaska wants to maintain control of resources, the
state needs to file an antitrust suit immediately.
The PFD advisory vote is a question of who pays - corporations that
make billions in profit or Alaskans who struggle to make ends meet. A
no vote on the Permanent Fund issue is the only way to force the
governor and Legislature to find a fair way to raise money. It's your
Permanent Fund dividend now, but it won't be if the government gets
its hands on it.
- Jim Sykes



Supporters of Vote


Elected officials
  • Gov. Jay Hammond
  • Sen. Dave Donely
  • Sen. Lyda Green
  • Sen. Rick Halford
  • Sen. Robin Taylor
  • Sen. Jerry Ward
  • Rep Mary Sattler Kapsner
  • Rep Vic Kohring
  • Rep. Bev Masek
  • Rep Scott Ogan
  • Rep Jerry Sanders
  • Doyle Holmes, Assby.
  • Mayor Sarah Palin
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Paid and maintained by:
Save your Dividend (SYD)
P.O. Box 670
Kenai, Alaska 99611
Bill Parish, Chair
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Wasilla Alaska
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