The Museum holds that this video is a hoax designed to mislead the public, and that the public has an overriding interest in having the full text available for examination and review, outside the bewildering soup pot of imagery presented in the video.
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
What would it have taken for you to wait further. What would you
have expected?
Jeffrey Jamar, FBI Special Agent:
That we're preparing to finish. We're gonna send the disk out in
two hours.
Jack Zimmermann, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
And they're talkin' about well, we don't have any power, and we're
out of batteries and we're out of ribbons. And they give 'em the
model numbers of all the typewriting equipment they have, all the
word processors inside, so that they can get typewriter ribbons to
send them in so they can type 'em up. And they send it in, on the
18', on Sunday night, they send in typewriter ribbons. So here
they were, believing that as soon as they got this first one which
was finished typed, they were gonna send it out and then they were
gonna let 'em have time to finish the rest of 'em. He would by
that time, he would be working on the Third Seal, he was already
working on the second one at this time. And the FBI testified
before the House hearings that the negotiations had reached an
impasse? They told the Attorney General they weren't coming out.
And that that was a stalling tactic and that they weren't working
on the Seven Seals. Their own negotiators had reached an agreement
knowing that the First Seal was finished, and in order to get proof
of it had sent in typewriter ribbons so they could get that proof
in their hands. And yet the very next morning, they launched the
gas and tank attack.
Graphic- April 19, 1993 Day 53
Mt. Carmel at night various shots of Mt. Carmel at night throughout.
Phone ringing
Can you hear me now? This is Byron Sage, we are in the process of placing tear gas into the building.. This is not an assault. We are not entering the building. Do you understand that?
. . . in the building. We are not entering the building. This is
not an assault. Do not fire your weapons. If you fire, fire will
be returned.
[Bug tape] Schneider:
Grab your mask! Everybody grab your mask!
If you come out now, you will not be harmed. Come out of the
compound . . . (muffled)
( Various shots of destroyed Mt. Carmel )
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
. . . The gas supplies a number of irritants to the nostril, to the
eyes, to the skin, just touching to the skin can be extremely
painful. You can have certain systems of nausea, certain systems
of inflammation with regard to membranes so it is extremely
Boot camp trainees are briefly exposed to a mild amount of CS for a
few seconds. The Davidians received more than ten times that
dosage--more than twice the amount known to be fatal--for more than
six hours.
Jack Zimmerman, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
When you come out of that gas chamber and only having been exposed
for a matter of seconds your eyes burns, your nose burns, all
mucous membranes are affected. Grown healthy cream of the crop of
the United States youth. Marine lieutenants are hurting when they
come out of that gas chamber the point I'm getting at is that it is
terribly debilitating CS gas is terrible.
CS isn't a gas, it's a chemical powder. At Waco, the CS powder was
dissolved in methylene chloride, a volatile chemical used for
stripping paint. Together, they formed an aerosol n-fist when
sprayed through huge steel injectors fitted onto the tanks. In
closed spaces, CS alone can cause unconsciousness, death, and can
be ignited by a spark into a fireball. When CS burns, it produces
hydrogen cyanide, the same gas used in prison gas chambers.
John Mica, US Congress, Florida (R) Did you tell the Attorney General that infants would not die or be harmed?
Harry Salem, Head of Life Sciences, US Army Chemical & Biological Defense Command I told her that there would be no permanent harm to children.
Jack Zimmerman, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
I believe that using CS gas against infants, against old people
with respiratory problems, there were sixty, seventy year old men
in there and there were young children that's torture. And I can
just see those kids barfing, vomiting, screaming because you can't
possibly have a gas mask that will fit a little kid.
John Mica, US Congress, Florida (R):
Didn't their reports say that gas masks wouldn't fit on these
Jack Zimmermann:
That's correct.
John Mica, US Congress, Florida (R):
And didn't they know that?
Jack Zimmerman, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
They should have known that .
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
The first place we entered was here on this side of the building.
Which is basically on the Westerly side of the building, We turned
around, and we came back, and we also punched a hole in here. And
made also an insertion.
Sage (Loudspeaker):
Steve, David, individuals inside the Branch Davidian compound. We
are in the process of placing tear gas into the building. This is
not an assault. This is not an assault. If you fire your fire
will be returned. Do not shoot. This is not an assault.
FBI Bug Tape, Branch Davidian:
So we only light 'em at first if they come in with that tank,
Dick DeGeurin, Attorney for David Koresh:
They explained to me that they were quote pouring fuel and that
they were making Molotov cocktails to throw at the tanks.
FBI Bug Tape, Branch Davidian:
Pouring? Right here . . . you want it poured?
Branch Davidian:
We should've got more hay in here
Branch Davidian:
I already poured it . . . it's already poured! Don't pour it all
out, we might need some later.
Dick DeGeurin, Attorney for David Koresh:
The conversation about that, takes place in the early morning
hours, 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning. The fire didn't start until
right around noon.
Sage (Loud Speaker):
Steve, David, individuals inside the Branch Davidian compound. We
are in the process of placing tear gas into the building. This is
not an assault. This is not an assault. If you fire your fire
will be returned. Do not shoot. This is not an assault.
David Thibideau, Branch Davidian Survivor:
I did not hear any shots that morning fired . . . So I remember
being overwhelmed that my friends were not stupid enough to fire at
a tank.
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
Shortly after they started, they began also not only spraying it
from the CEVs off the booms but they started firing ferret rounds
on the excuse of course we learned later that we were supposed to
be firing at them.
William H. Zeliff, Jr., US Congress, New Hampshire (R):
What did you feel? What were your emotions?
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
Well, we definitely weren't believing what we were hearing over the
loud speakers that they were not entering the building and that
this was not an attack. We were told they weren't going to be
shooting and yet they're firing what amounted to mortars that were
rockets at us these ferret rounds which sounded like mortars.
Zeliff (off camera):
Were you afraid?
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
Janet Reno, US Attorney General:
With respect to the use of military weapons. These . . . pieces of
equipment were unarmed as I understand it, and were contracted I
mean, it was like a good rent-a-car. Ah, they were . . .
William H. Zeliff, Jr., US Congress, New Hampshire (R):
A good rent-a-car? A tank going into a building?
At 9:00, Attorney General Reno left the command center at FBI
headquarters to give a speech in nearby Baltimore. From then on,
Waco decisions were made by top officials of the FBI and the
Clinton Administration.
John B. Shadegg, US Congress, Arizona (R) Four minutes into the raid, it escalates. The 48 hour plan according to testimony is gone, we're now going to do a massive insertion of gas into every window. Did you consider staying in Washington, DC given that escalation four minutes into the plan?
Janet Reno, US Attorney General:
During the course of the morning, the question arose whether I
should cancel the speech and the FBI did not want me to do so
because they thought it would attract attention if I suddenly
canceled the speech it looked like there would be an emergency.
Alan A. Stone, Harvard University:
One of the most inadequate parts of the justice department's report
is their failure to describe the decision making process at the
command post. I think that that is unpardonable . . . What were
the communications that went on what were the decisions made? And
that we've never heard.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
Dozens and dozens of rounds have been fired at FBI agents. The
FBI, in an effort to demonstrate its extraordinary restraint, has
not returned fire thus far.
Almost two miles above Mt. Carmel, a surveillance plane was
photographing events on the ground with a Forward Looking Infra Red
camera, commonly called by its acronym FLIR.
Edward Allard helped develop the FLIR. He is a former manager of
the Defense Department's Night Vision Laboratory and holds several
patents on FLIR and night vision technology. Allard explains what
happens as a tank approaches the rear of Mt. Carmel around 11: 16
AM. That's the side the news cameras couldn't see.
Edward Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
Thermal imagery is not the same as black and white imagery. Even
though we are going to see images that look like it's black and
white television cameras, it is not. This type of imagery is the
same type of imagery that was used by our armed forces in Desert
Storm. The bright spots in this particular, in this particular
film are spots that are hot. The grey areas are warm we'd say and
the black areas are cool--relatively cool. They're still pretty
warm for a Texas n-midday but they are a lot cooler than the rest
of the surrounding area.
If you look carefully what you will see is the exhaust plume of the tank you'll see the plume twice, when the operator steps on the gas, there it is again and now what you will see is a short burst, there.. That short burst we, we feel is a, is a gun shot . . .
. . . The next view is a view in slow motion as the vehicle approaches we see the plume from the engine and we have the gun shot - now. Freeze it there, please. You can see now the outline of the tank, you can clearly see the outline of a tank. There is the blade, there is the blade in front of the tank, there is the opposite side of the tank, this hot area back here is the engine the deck area and it appears that the shot that we're looking at is coming off the rear area of the tank . . .
. . . This particular one the burst lasted about one second. And we will see shots similar to this throughout the tape and nothing else appears with the type of thermal signature that we get of that we get of gunshots.
Gene Taylor, US Congress, Mississippi (D):
Did the FBI fire one shot, even one shot at the Davidian compound?
Larry Potts, FBI Assistant Director:
No sir, we did not, not throughout the entire stand off .
Edward Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
What we are going to see here is a what could be called an infantry
tank maneuver we notice the tank, this is the tank smashing into
the building . . .
. . . and we'll also see gun fire multiple gun fire on the outside of the tank to the rear of the tank. Right now we're seeing a close up of exactly the same thing. The important thing to notice is the gun fire multiple rounds being fired from at least two different positions . . .
. . . and it's about ten bursts in approximately two to three seconds and according to our calculations it indicates that both positions are firing automatic weapons. There is nothing in nature that would duplicate these type of thermal signatures primarily because of the short duration of the burst themselves. Nothing in nature could do this.
Dick Rogers, FBI Hostage Rescue Team Commander:
I will remind the American people one more time, that during that
entire time, those six hours, and indeed those fifty one days, the
FBI never fired one shot at the Davidians.
Edward Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
What we are going to see now is rapid fire in the courtyard right
behind the dining room area and you can see the fire going on but
it's difficult to see in real time . . .
. . . Now the slow motion shows things much more clearly.
. . . there's eight rounds, eight bursts of gun fire that are being fired in about two and a half to three seconds this again indicates that it is an automatic weapon. There are two positions, look at the tape carefully, there are two positions, and apparently by the signature itself of the burst, apparently is going from this area here into the dining room area.
What Allard saw was verified in an expert independent FLIR analysis
done by Infraspection Institute for CBS 60 Minutes:
Quote: "It was obvious to me on several occasions that there was
gunfire or automatic weapon discharge, seemingly fired toward the
building from the outer perimeter", end quote. A second letter
from Infraspection Institute states the fear that kept 60 Minutes
from informing the American people. Quote: . . . due to the
potentially sensitive nature of this material and the resulting
negative repercussions to Infraspection, we are choosing to decline
any further comment surrounding this taped incident and our
subsequent professional opinions regarding it's viewing", end
quote. In addition to noticing the gunfire, Infraspection saw
something else, Quote: "There were occasions on the video that
seemed to appear as though people were entering, exiting or being
run over by an armored vehicle", end quote.
John B. Shadegg: (condensed)US Congress, Arizona (R):
Okay I want to focus on that bldg. right there and on that corner
you see it's now structurally sound, would you have the next photo
in the next photo. Now can we see the next photo unfortunately we
don't have these very well.
Now we are looking at the front comer these are taken from the airplanes you will see that section of the building is gone indeed a great portion of the building is gone, this tank, can you show the tank, that tank right there goes into that portion of the building . . .
. . . it goes so far into the building that the back of the tank disappears you can't see it to go into the opposite wall, it goes in and out, and in and out, and in and out, and in and out I couldn't count the number of times. And now we can see from that side that that part of the building is completely crushed.
Larry Potts, FBI Assistant Director:
There was a discussion that there may come a point in this where we
would try to poke holes in the building. My understanding is . . .
John B. Shadegg, US Congress, Arizona (R):
I understood that. This, I don't see as a hole.
Larry Potts, FBI Assistant Director:
No, I understand that yes, sir. [cut] And I do not believe that
there were any bodies found in that area.
John B. Shadegg, US Congress, Arizona (R):
The closest bodies were found a little further in. Each one of
those five bodies, it's reported, had extensive, according to the
autopsy report, had extensive body mutilation.
Davidian Steven Henry had a gun shot wound through the head. his
leg was sheared off at the hip. James Riddle had been shot too,
But a large circular portion of the right side of his chest had
also been ripped out of his body. Riddle's red shirt was dangling
from his wrist. Ms nearby coat had a red lining. This gunfire
occurred at 11:24 AM. About ten minutes later, something got
jammed near the tank's front wheel that caused the tread to come
off --- something that was mostly red. The available evidence
indicates that could be James Riddle's body.
To attach the disabled tank to a retriever and away, men had to expose themselves to the gunfire FBI officials said was coming from the Davidians.
Howard Coble, US Congress, North Carolina (R):
This is one of these things, Mr. Chairman, that nags at you
. . . any damage sustained to the tanks . . . common sense tells
me, would be reflected in the damage report Almost two months ago
we requested it, over two years has elapsed since this occurred,
surely the damage report has been compiled I realize that the
wheels of bureaucracy turn awfully slowly in this town but after
two years?
Allen Holmes, Assistant Secretary of Defense:
I'll be glad to took into it and see, see what we can produce.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
When the humidity starts to rise, when the heat starts to rise, the
complex will become more and more uncomfortable.
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
We would move the opposite way to get away, as far away from direct
contact with it as possible, if you got it on your skin, any
exposed skin it would just burn the heck out of you. Felt kind of
like battery acid or something like that. Very irritating, very
As the gassing continued, the women and children went to the safest
place left inside Mt. Carmel the kitchen storage room . . . a first
floor steel reinforced concrete room --- a former vault --at the
bottom of the square wooden tower.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
We knew that that protection was in there we believe we finally
were able to make entry into that compound and were able to insert
gas inside that protective area.
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
They actually drove right through the middle of the building into
the kitchen area basically at point blank range fired gas into the
concrete, what they called the bunker, the concrete room where the
women and children were.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
We put massive gas in there--their gas masks by that time had to be
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
In a cul-de-sac like that where there was no ventilation, they must
have been going through, (there was only one door?) The front,
yeah, there's no windows, no back door or anything like that.
Eric R. Larsen:
They would be coughing, choking, they would probably be unconscious
some of them would probably by dead. Some would be basically
inert, they may still be alive, they may still be breathing, but
they're not going to be doing anything.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
We will continue to gas, probably all day. We will continue to gas
them and make their environment as uncomfortable as possible until
they do exit the compound.
Clive Doyle (condensed), Branch Davidian Survivor:
They continued to push on the front of the building until
eventually all of the dividing walls were pushed back out into the
hall. We were pretty well cut off in the chapel, we couldn't get
upstairs, the back stairs. You couldn't go down the hall to the
cafeteria end, or any of that . . .
FBI bug tape
"Go the other way"
"Too many people"
"There's too many people."
"Go other way!"
"There's too many people the other way."
Steve Chabot, US Congress, Ohio (R):
Now, didn't you consider or did you consider that fire might well
occur in this instance and if it does we do this?
Larry Potts, FBI Assistant Director:
Yes, sir we did.
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
What was the FBI's fire plan in case there was a fire during their
plan to end the siege?
Larry Potts, FBI Assistant Director:
I have no knowledge of that
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
Did you ever ask them what their fire plan was?
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
Mr. Gray, did you ever ask the FBI what its fire plan was or did
you know what it was?
I did not.
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
Mr. Sherrow, are you aware of what the fire plan was as a
contingency plan in case a fire started from any cause in this
attempt to end the siege?
No sir, not at all.
Steven Schiff, US Congress, New Mexico (R):
Does anybody know if the FBI had a fire plan?
I don't believe so.
By noon Mt. Carmel was a tinderbox. A heavy layer of dried CS dust
coated everything inside. Large amounts of kerosene and Coleman
fuel from containers crushed by armored vehicles saturated the
floor. Vapors from methylene chloride, kerosene and Coleman gas
filled the air.
Huge holes ripped open by the tanks let the 25 mile per hour Waco
wind blow completely through Mt. Carmel.
Joe Perino, Former Houston Fire Chief:
When the governmental agency made a decision to breach holes into
the building, they set a configuration of a pot bellied stove. You
want it to burn slow, you close off the vents. If want it to burn
fast, you open it up. Well they made a configuration in that
building that was consistent to a pot bellied stove. Any type of
fire that would start, even if there was no CS gas, if there was no
flammable liquids, if there was nothing, just ordinary combustible
materials. Once you have a fire sitting in a building like that,
it's going to grow to a fast rapid propagation because of the
system that was set up . . . the venting,
At this front comer, a combat engineering vehicle has just made its
last injection of CS. That small black dot is the nozzle tip, ice
cold from the carbon dioxide propellant used to force the methylene
chloride-CS mixture into the building. Less than a minute later,
the first of three separate fires that started in three separate
locations within a three minute period began here on the second
floor while the fresh mixture as at its most volatile as a fine
Eric R. Larsen:
Once ignited, both the CS and the methylene chloride will both
become involved in the fire and add to the fire those sources will
tend to produce a fire ball or a flash fire."
Two Branch Davidian survivors say they saw fireballs. Shortly
after fresh CS was injected at this comer, the FLIR shows a second
tank that's pulling away. As the comer comes into view, a fire is
burning there. David Thibideau says he was here and saw a fireball
that ran the front length of Mt. Carmel . . . possibly igniting
another fire here in the kitchen-dining room area . . . right next
to the concrete room where the women and children had been gassed
About a minute after the front fireball Thibideau saw, another
armored vehicle drives up to the rear of the crushed gymnasium and
also pulls away. A few seconds later, survivor Derek Lovelock says
a fireball raced from the rear of Mt. Carmel to the front igniting
everything in its path.
Branch Davidian Survivor:
"At 12:00 someone yelled from the upstairs that there was a fire.
The front I could not get to the front because of what the tanks
had come in so I went to the stairwell in the back because I'm
thinking the kids, I'm thinking Serenity Sea Jones, I was thinking
of Isaiah and Joseph and some of these kids that I've come to know
and love. There was a cat walk that was leading over the rafters
of the church area I got to a blanket I opened the blanket up and a
wall of flame shoots down the hallway in front of my face down to
the other end of the building it was the loudest sound I've ever
heard in my life I'm a drummer and it was incredibly loud and I
could not hear anything else other than this flame."
Bill McCollum, US Congress, Florida (R):
Was there any plan for the fire to be started?
David Thibodeau, Branch Davidian Survivor:
Derek Lovelock, Branch Davidian Survivor:
The place was beginning to fill up with black smoke and I stood
there by the stairs and there was a kind of ball of fire that, it
had tremendous heat which caused us to jump back out of the way.
It came from the gym area across this way, like it came from the
gym this way across our path,
It's believed the fireball Derek Lovelock said he saw started here
with this flash.
Edward F. Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
That flash was so bright that the operator of the FLIR thought it
was so significant that he decided to fix his cursor in that area
to remind him or other people looking at the tape that there was a
very significant flash in the window. When we see it in the slow
motion and we see the flash it appears to be single but it is not a
single flash. It's actually Two flashes we get a primary flash and
a secondary flash and both of these flashes last about 1/2 second
each. They are most likely detonations inside the building itself.
James G. Quintiere, University of Maryland:
Now, if some of you saw this flash here, that is a momentary event.
In my opinion, that's a reflection due to sunlight reflecting off
of some object in that debris.
Sunlight reflections would show-up as a flash on regular film which
records light. But reflections don't generate enough heat, say
specialists like Allard, to create a flash on infra red.
Infraspection analysts noticed the same flash. Quote: "A portion
of the video . . . showed a "flash", or pyrotechnic explosion in
one portion of one of the buildings", end quote. Pyrotechnic
devices are military munitions like flares and incendiaries that
burn at extreme temperatures.
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
Non pyrotechnic delivery systems were used to insert CS gas.
This pyrotechnic projectile is one of two found in the rubble of
Mt. Carmel. It is a 40 mm military device that is fired from a
hand held grenade launcher. On impact, it burns at an extremely
high temperature. This one was found here, near the comer of
Mt. Carmel where the first fire started. The other was found here,
in the kitchen/dining room area.
Twenty seconds after the two gymnasium flashes, a single flash
appears here in the courtyard across from the kitchen/dining room
area where automatic weapons fire was seen earlier. But this flash
is longer and larger than the gun fire flashes. Its thermal
signature is consistent with a grenade launcher. At the same time,
still more automatic gun fire can be seen coming from the field to
the left of the demolition tank.
Edward F. Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
We counted the number of gun flashes and in this particular case we
got six flashes in one second which indicates it's a rapid fire
weapon of some kind and we also can see from the tapes that the
fire is going in this direction towards the gymnasium where we saw
the flash in the window.
Jeffrey Jamar, FBI Special Agent:
When the fire did start and the fire trucks did arrive I didn't let
them in. I held them at the checkpoint because I didn't want the
firemen to drive into gunfire. I just wasn't going to permit
it. It's a terrible thing it's a very terrible decision to have to
make. But I didn't hesitate it took me about two seconds to make
it we held the fire trucks.
Most of the remaining Davidians were concentrated here in the
kitchen-dining room area. It was their only way out except for one
thing: Two men outside were firing machine guns at them.
Edward F. Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
What we're seeing here is the FLIR operator is looking at the
burning building. As the building start getting brighter and
brighter, he adjusts his FLIR--he's turning town the brightness on
his FLIR--so that he can really concentrate on the burning areas of
the building. And what we're going to see in this scene is
continues, uh, rapid gunfire right down in here.
Edward F. Allard, Night Vision Physicist:
These are embers that are flying off the building, but you can see
up in here that this is rapid gunfire. When we analyze the tape,
we found out that there's two people there in this area here. And
they're firing for about thirty seconds in this area where we have
the burning dining room area. And it's almost continuous gunfire.
And toward the end of this particular section, we find out that the
people doing the shooting are actually retreating away from the
fire and shooting as they're retreating.
The machine gunning of the Davidians trapped in the burning
kitchen-dining room was not only visible to congressional
investigators, it was even visible to home viewers. So was the
gunfire behind the tank smashing into the rear of the gymnasium.
Neither was mentioned despite the fact the FLIR presentation to the
Joint Committee had far better clarity.
Charles E. Schumer, US Congress, New York (D):
We've heard that in the fifty one days the FBI was involved, they
did not fire a single shot . . . First, That would mean quite
certainly that twenty seven of the people who died in the compound,
I think the autopsy report showed twenty seven, I may be off by one
or two, who died of bullet wounds, those were self inflicted or
inflicted by other members within the compound . . .
Edward Dennis, Former Assistant Attorney General, Clinton
I think that's a key issue. The fact that Koresh was capable of
setting the fire of killing his own followers that parents were
capable of killing children, or adults were capable of killing
children, really says more about the mentality of the individual
that you were dealing with and the difficulty in trying to figure
out the best way to talk he and his followers out of that compound.
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
There came a point in my rolling on the floor and trying to protect
myself from the heat and being in the pitch black not able to see,
that the voices of those behind me screaming kinda got through to
me. I recognized who they were. Could identify the voices. (:27)
That kinda galvanized me to just leap to my feet and jump or dive
headfirst in the general direction where I figured the hole was.
And I landed on the sheet rock face down and kinda slithered out
onto the ground. (:45) When I stood up, skin was rolling off my
hands. My coat was all melted on my back and smoking. I looked
back over my shoulder and the hole I'd just come out of was a mass
of flames, And the first thought that came to me was, I'm the only
one I'm the only one to get out. (1:20) . . . I tried to look, you
know, what do I do now, where do I go and I looked to my left and I
looked to my right and as I did I saw David Thibideau and some
others walking up to the front gate with their hands in the air and
it was the first time I realized that others had got out besides
myself (1:35)
Sheila Martin, Branch Davidian Survivor:
I kept thinking my husband didn't get out, but maybe my children
got out . . . Horrible, horrible way to die. I try not to think
about it. Because I keep thinking at some point they felt all that
heat. I kept thinking of the people in the square, they were the
ones who maybe they probably cooked to death.
Besides gun shot wounds, the majority of bodies had high levels of
hydrogen cyanide-- the deadly poison produced when CS burns. The
backward bowed corpse of this eight year old girl shows what
cyanide does to the human body. It makes the muscles contract so
violently that they can actually break bones.
Stanley Marcus, Environmental Protection Agency:
If one reviews the various use of cyanide as a method of putting
prisoners to death you note that these people are strapped in their
chairs very heavily and that is not to prevent them from escaping
the gas that's to prevent the individuals watching the execution
from observing the effects of cyanide has on the muscles of the
Farris L. Rookstool III, FBI Special Agent:
As part of the evidence response team, I was one of the primary
photographers that had to photograph the evidence before it was
recovered, and as it was being recovered and placed into the
appropriate bags. I photographed and processed David Koresh's
living quarters and I also photographed all of the bodies from the
what is termed the bunker. Having been in the position to watch,
touch, feel, hold, photograph, observe a great majority of the
bodies in Waco, I am left with an overall disturbing, kind of
haunting opinion that many of the people in the residence were
homicide victims.
The actual cause of each Davidian death remains officially unknown
because the FBI interfered with the coroner's investigation.
Don Petty, Photographer, Tarrant County Coroner:
They told us that they did not want us there. One of the FBI
officials told Dr. Peerwani they did not want us there because they
wanted to do it themselves.
Nizam Peerwani, Coroner, Tarrant County:
The FBI was extremely in a hurry to get the evidence from us and it
took us several weeks to go through literally thousands of rounds,
all the bullets, bullet cartridges, fragments of grenades. They
were all turned into the FBI lab.
Charles E. Schumer:
Is that weapon illegal that you found at the compound?
FBI Firearms Expert Owen:
This is an AK-47 type rifle that has been converted to permit full
automatic fire.
Charles E. Schumer:
Making it illegal.
FBI Firearms Expert Owen:
Yes, sir.
Don Petty, Photographer, Tarrant County Coroner:
. . . we would find bodies that were burned a lot more than other
bodies in very close proximity. There were bodies that were burned
to a crisp, and then very nearby there was paper that wasn't
burned, there was clothing that wasn't burned. I was panning the
whole side and one of the Rangers came up behind me while I was
still taping and hit me on the shoulder and said, you can't be
doing that. So I said, okay, that's fine, no problem. And then he
asked for the tape and I said well, I'm shooting for Dr. Peerwani
and I'm not going to give you the tape until he says it's okay.
Finally we found Dr. Peerwani, talked to him and he agreed that it
was okay for me to give him the tape and so I did. They promised
us that all they wanted to do was review it and they'd give it back
to us the next day. And they didn't.
Nizam Peerwani, Coroner, Tarrant County:
They told us that they had misplaced it. At one time they told us
that I have it in my briefcase and I'll give it to you. In fact,
we said we're going to delay giving you your reports until you give
out tape back. And of course they said sure, we'll give your tape
back the next time we visit your office. We, in fact, suggested
we'll go to Waco and collect the tape from them. And they said no,
it's in the San Antonio office. And at a certain point along this
discussion they finally said, the tape is lost. We can't give it
to you.
Jack Zimmermann, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
The Branch Davidians had families. They had people that loved
them. One of the worst things that I can remember about this was a
phone call from Israel from Shula Met Cohen, the mother of Pablo
Cohen. An Israeli Jew, talking to an American Jewish lawyer,
watching that gas be inserted into that building. Watching an
American tank, knock down an American house, and then it burst into
flames. Can you imagine the images in an Israeli's mind with the
Holocaust survivors in Israel? I couldn't answer. I think you can
tell from today it's not often that I'm without words. I could not
explain to her how that happened. And her question was: I thought
he would be safe in America.
-- Page 40 --
John Morrison, FBI Special Agent:
I know I'm a Christian and I like practicing my Christian beliefs.
I know I'm going to heaven when I die with my kids. I teach--in
charge of the nursery--used to do Sunday school, youth group
leader. If someone tries to stop me from doing that, obviously I'm
going to be upset. We have plenty of freedoms in this country
which I love. But that does not give me the right to go kill
someone, go to my house, using my children as shields and say I'm
not coming out, I've broken the law, I'm not coming out until God
tells me to. That is wrong . . . Byron, Floyd Clark, Jeff Jamar,
Dick Rodgers, like 'em or not or like what we do for a living or
not, they've been law enforcement officers, some of 'em, longer
than I've been alive. And with that comes a lot of experience.
What I'm saying is, you have to trust the people in charge at the
time. I'm low on the food chain. So I'm standing by what they did
'cause I do what I'm told as long as it's legal and moral.
James H. Brannon, Attorney for David Koresh's Grandmother:
My God, torturing babies and saying it's part of their job? And
saying that it is OK because their parents were bad? Our whole
society is structured around the notion that if parents are bad we
protect the children even against the parents.. In this case the
FBI and the government took the position why not only do we not
protect the children, we'll use them as an instrument to try get
their parents to do something. We'll torture them so their parents
will do right. Oh, my God, where did they think that up?
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
. . . we thought that their instincts, uh, the motherly instincts
would take place and that they would want their children out of
that environment. It appears they don't care that much about their
children which is unfortunate.
At this point is there any doubt in your mind or the Justice
Department's mind that the fire was set by the cult members?
Janet Reno, US Attorney General:
I have absolutely no doubt at all that the cult members set it
based on all the information that has been furnished to me.
Ray Jahn, Assistant US Attorney:
. . . survivors who came out their clothes smelled of accelerants,
they smelled of diesel fuel and they smelled of lantern fuel, they
smelled of lighter fluid and the laboratory later came back and
confirmed that they had done it.
Rick Sherrow, Retired ATF Arson Expert:
I would like to know why key information as to how some of this
contamination occurred was omitted from the reports. Specifically,
those survivors who had exited the south side of the bldg. They
had to walk through an area that was contaminated by fuel from
large tanks spilled by the government tank operations . . . The
thing that really concerns me is why the building was so totally
destroyed afterwards. After the fire was out--there was no fire
fighting whatsoever attempted--and in the crime scene--and it was a
crime scene--it was totally, absolutely destroyed. I've seen this
happen before.
Bill H. Zeliff, US Congress, New Hampshire (R):
Did you see the FBI changing the crime scene in any way? Moving
things around, things that were not normal according to your
David Byrne, Captain, Texas Rangers:
Yes sir. As I said earlier and didn't get to finish the answer,
they were moving the vehicles which destroyed valuable trajectory
evidence . . . in the end, it turned out it didn't matter.
Bill H. Zeliff, US Congress, New Hampshire (R):
When you see that happening, you don't consider that standard
operating procedure do you?
David Byme, Captain, Texas Rangers:
Certainly not on any crime scene I've ever been on, no.
Charles E. Schumer, US Congress, New York (D):
I'm getting sick and tired of all the attacks on the ATF and the
FBI. Sure you guys may have fouled up and done a few things wrong.
But you acted in good faith, you were trying to enforce the law,
and we should give you the benefit of the doubt because of the
person, David Koresh, you had to deal with.
Orrin Hatch, US Senate, Utah (R):
Let me be clear, this investigation has not uncovered any evidence
of political corruption or influences. We have not found any of
that. There was no conspiracy to kill Branch Davidians.
Joseph Biden, US Senate, Delaware (D):
The record of the Waco incident documents mistakes. What the
record from Waco does not evidence, however, is any improper motive
or intent on the part of law enforcement.
Joseph Biden, US Senate, Delaware (D):
David Koresh and the Davidians set fire to themselves they
committed suicide the Government did not do that.
Farris L. Rookstool III, Former FBI Special Agent:
That assertion to me, that the media and the government has made a
blanket declaration that the Branch Davidians committed quote mass
suicide to equate it to a Jonestown, Guyana suicide is the most
irresponsible statement that can be attributed to anything having
to do with the Waco incident.
Farris L. Rookstool III:
I find it, as I say, very offending to me, and offensive to the
memory of the Davidians and everyone else involved in this tragedy
to wrap it up in a nice clean "well, it was just a mass suicide end
of story", because it was far from it.
James D. Tabor, University of North Carolina, Charlotte:
Suicide per se was absolutely unacceptable to the Davidian
theology. They held the standard Christian view that you take your
life that's murder and obviously nobody wants to die with the final
sin on their hands of having committed murder.
Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survivor:
We didn't believe in suicide. The best way for me to explain
suicide is it's an unpardonable sin because you can't ask
forgiveness for it after you are dead you know what I'm saying.
Dick J. Reavis, Author, The Ashes of Waco:
What the people believed would happen was that God was going to
judge either the world or them. If it judged the world, they would
survive. If it judged them, they would promptly be in heaven. As
one of them afterwards said, Livingston Fagen who lost a wife in
the fire and his mother in the fire, he said, those of our people
who died are highly honored in heaven. And so we should not worry
about them. The thought was that the army of Babylon would kill
them. As perhaps it ultimately did.
Jack Zimmerman, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
The way things are supposed to happen in this country is when
someone is suspected of a crime even if it's child abuse even if it
is capitol murder we give them a trial, a jury finds them guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt before they go to sentencing then a jury
or a judge sentences them and an Appeals court makes sure that the
trial was conducted with due process. And then and only then do we
kill them. We don't kill them first like happened in Waco on April
the 19th.
James Tabor, University of North Carolina, Charlotte:
I kept saying all that day, I said well, they're saying immediately
the Davidians started it and I was very suspicious of that. And I
kept saying well, we don't know who started the fire. But we do
know that the FBI delivered to David Koresh the Armageddon that he
thought would someday come. But it didn't have to be April 19,
Jack Zimmerman, Attorney for Steve Schneider:
As soon as they knew everybody was dead inside and the ATF had a
chance to get close to it, they ran the ATF flag up on that flag
pole after the Branch Davidian Star of David flag had fluttered to
the ground. They ran that ATF flag up on that flag pole as a
symbol of a military conquest . . . because the whole world saw
this as a symbol that the battle was over between the ATF and the
Branch Davidians and that they had conquered them militarily.
That's a sad state of affairs in United States Federal law
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
I have time for one more question. Ah, yes, ma'am
The attorneys say that they were going to come out after they
finished the manuscript. So why didn't you wait?
Bob Ricks, FBI Spokesman:
The question is why did we not wait. We had information from
several sources some of it I cannot reveal today some I will,
eventually it will come out but I can say we have other sources
that I can talk about that said that David Koresh said he played
the game. He lied continually to the attorneys he never intended
to come out. It was all a game Thank you.
Scott Sonobe, Killed April 19, 1993:
I'm Scott Sonobe. And I'm not being held here against my will. I
want my father, Ken Sonobe, in Honolulu to get my kids. If you're
watching, I want you to have my two daughters Angelica and Chris
Sonobe. (Anything else you might want to say? ) Don't worry about
me, we're gonna be just fine. God's in control.
Were you able to see a video that the agency sent to us showing
some of the children that were at their facility?
Judy Schneider:
The video we saw of them running around crazy, eating candy,
drinking soda pop, jumping around like well trained pets, watching
videos--yeah, we were all quite upset to see our children behave
like that because they've always been well mannered and disciplined
and they don't eat candy in between meals and only on rare
occasions. It's not good for their teeth or health or anything.
Bernadette, a Davidian:
I don't want to insult them, but it's really insulting to see such
a big armored equipment with people inside who are trying to
frighten women and children. What, what are they trying to prove?
Lorraine Sylvia:
To my family, I love them. Please take Joshua.
Floracita Sonobe:
(You don't want to leave then?) No, but I want my kids back here.
What I saw on that film, I wasn't very happy about it. (So you
weren't either. I would imagine it's the same thing we've been
hearing about the response to the children?) Yes. They weren't
being supervised. They weren't supervised or anything. I really
appreciated, really, the effort to take their pictures and video
them, but what I saw, I was more upset than before.
I love them. They're beautiful kids. (In fact for those who are listening who have children, we've learned, especially from the Book of Proverbs, in the Bible is right, how one should be with their children and how there should be a consistency, a constant love and caring shown to the child . . . )
All I want to say to the children, I love you all. I miss you. And remember what I taught you and how you _ you eating habits and eating.
Evette, a Davidian:
My children are out there (Where?) Babylon. (Where are they?)
Babylon (OK) Out there in the world. Because of the events of
Sunday the 28h.
Evette, a Davidian:
(Do you miss your children?) Hey, I'm a mother. (OK) I miss my
children and I love them very much. (They were nice enough to video
some of the children. Did you get to see yours?) Yeah. They were
absolutely (indecipherable). I was furious when I saw them. The
treatment of the children on the video was very bad. They were
given food that they don't normally eat that made them very
hyperactive. They were eating whatever they wanted when they
wanted. They were stuck in front of the television. There was no
constructive supervision of the children.
Evette, a Davidian:
I'd like to remind the children of the story in Daniel, and the
three--Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Those three were taken
into Babylon against their will. They wouldn't eat at the king's
table and they wouldn't touch the king's wine, they ate what they
knew God wanted them to eat. God worked through those three
children. And so remember, don't forget Revelations four and five
are . . .
Branch Davidian Girl:
Well, he teaches the Bible and he seems to know what he's talking
about, so I listen to him.
What's he like as a person?
Branch Davidian Girl:
He's pretty nice.
He's nice?
I'm mean.
Branch Davidian Girl:
Don't listen to him.
I'm the boss. They call me the boss.
Charles E. Schumer, US Congress, New York (D):
We're hearing a lot about faulty search warrants . . . If I'm not
mistaken, these are the same folks, my colleagues to the right
here, who voted to eliminate the need for search warrants with the
good faith exception to the exclusionary rule.
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Many people who distrust the mainstream media have turned to alternate news sources, some of which are Internet based. Unfortunately, many of these alternate sources of news simply promote an alternate series of lies. These alternate lies are of course dressed up as "exposés." But you can easily tell the phonies from the real thing. The information in the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum is an acid test.
Does your news source promote Mike McNulty's video, Waco: The Rules of Engagement or wring its hands because the Davidian law suit against the government failed? (See Waco Documentary Is A Hoax! and Waco Suits for Waco Suckers.) Does your alternate news source carry promotional pieces about rebuilding the Davidian church in Waco and mouth nice words about "healing"? (See The Cover-up Church.)
Remember, since ancient times, inquiries into questionable deaths have started with the bodies of the victims. If your news source won't give you an honest and full account of the forensic information on Waco, or if it does not have a link to the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum ... your alternate news has failed a fundamental acid test.
Published by Public Action, Inc, a news and news analysis service.